QC Show and Tell - Zoom Meeting June 18, 2020 - Page 4
Thank you Betsy Habich for organizing this wonderful Zoom Show and Tell
and thank you to all presenters
This year the members of Quilters' Connection showed their latest works created since March during the Covid-19 Stay at Home time.
Below are PAGE 4 photos: First Name Last Initial / Title
Cathy P
1 -
Cathy P
2 -
Betsy A
Kinship 16.5 x 13.5 inches brother Rob -
Betsy A
Spring Tide Moon 19.5 x 19 inches -
Betsy A
Spring Tide Moon Horseshoe Crab -
Betsy A
Spring Tide Moon Red Knot Sandpiper -
Betsy A Nocturne 34 x 25 inches Black crowned Night Herons
Sharon M
COVID eyes -
Sharon M Hot Spots online workshop with Joe Cunningham June 6
Pat C
applique quilt for my grandson -
Pat C
mask for my grandson -
Pat C
masks -
Pat C Monster pencil holder for my grandsons
Noa R
COVID19 Quilt -
Eileen K
1 -
Eileen K
2 -
Eileen K
3 -
Betsy H Autumn Joe Cunningham workshop at QC
Betsy H
Autumn Roses Stack n Whack -
Betsy H
Daylily one of my teaching patterns -
Betsy H Heat lightening QC workshop with Kathy Loomis
Betsy H Merry Christmas from a panel bought in Pacific Grove,CA
Betsy H
Spring -
Betsy H Star Rise in the Global City wall hanging size my pattern
Donna M-O
Follow That Thread Socks -
Donna M-O Peace Village bom Meaning of Life Designs Sarah Vedeler
Donna M-O Peace Village bom Meaning of Life Designs Sarah Vedeler fence
Donna M-O Peace Village bom Meaning of Life Designs Sarah Vedeler house
Donna M-O
Yellow Brick Road Quilt -
Ginny S